Skill Rework
[REMASTER] Skill Rework
Main Features
[REMASTER] Main Features
Differences from Interlude
[REMASTER] Differences from Interlude

Select Race:

Human Fighter
Human Mage
Elf Fighter
Elf Mage
Dark Elf
Dark Elf Mage


    Our server is based on the classic Interlude era, uniquely enhanced with modern mechanics and balance improvements
Server XP rates - Dynamic scaling from 3x (Lv 1-40) to 1x (Lv 60+)
Raid XP - 1x
Raid drop - 2x
Adena - 2x
Drop items - 2x
Spoil - 2x



    Key features of server
Limits for boxes. You can run maximum 2 box(chars) in one time, from 1 PC
Weight limit is increased
Champion mobs
Shift + click on monster to check his stats and drop
New trade system from classic client Mailbox system



    CUSTOM NPC and SHOP you will find in game
All grocery, weapon, and armor shops have been updated to sell items up to TOP D grade.
You can buy low C-grade items and weapons at the luxury shop in Giran.
NPC Buffer with basic buffs without dance/songs/ressists.



    All quests drop rate increased - x2
The Zero Hour (And all quest chain) - rate x3, Made easier mode to take materials
Exploration of Giants Cave - chance to drop quest items - x2
Whisper of Dreams Part 1 - amount x2
Whisper of Dreams Part 2 - amount x2
    Legacy of Insolence - Reworked
The Ancient Papyrus now drops from all mobs on floors 3 through 10 with equal probability.
You no longer need to focus on specific floors or colors to collect certain recipes.
Once you've collected all 13 Blueprints from the quest.
You now have the option to select any A-grade helm, boot, or glove recipe from the available A grade sets.



  • Raid respawn time: 12+4 hours.
  • Special Soul Shard drop system to improve your gear from raiding
  • Reworked Epic boss'es stats, level and respawn times for servers concept
Queen Ant : every 3 days static spawn at 21:00 with random timer of 30min. Reworked drop to top A grade, Ring drop is 100%
Core : every 2 days static spawn at 20:00 with random timer of 30min. Reworked drop to top A grade, Ring drop is 100%
Orfen : every 2 days static spawn at 20:00 with random timer of 30min. Reworked drop to top A grade, Earring drop is 100%
Zaken : every 3 days static spawn at 20:00 with random timer of 30min. Zaken moved to ship, teleportation skill removed. Reworked drop to top A grade, Earring drop is 100%
Baium : Every Thursday at 20:30 with random timer of 30min. Removed Doors (no need quest to enter).
Frintezza : Every Monday at 20:30 with random timer of 30min.
Antharas: Every Tuesday at 21:00 with random timer of 30min.
Valakas: Every Wednesday at 21:00 with random timer of 30min.



  • All penalties on clan are 24h
  • Everyone in clan get full clan skills/li>
  • Maximum player requiment for clan lvling 20 players
1lvl 2-9 members online. EXP/SP bonus +3% Life/Mana Regeneration +6% PvE Attack/Defense +3%
2lvl 10-19 members online. EXP/SP bonus +4% Life/Mana Regeneration +7% PvE Attack/Defense +4%
3lvl 20+ members online. EXP/SP bonus +5% Life/Mana Regeneration +10% PvE Attack/Defense +5%



  • Regular sieges of the castle will be held every week
  • A more lucrative reward will be given for taking the castle. Special skill for castle owners clan
Protection of Gludio: Stun Attack +15%, Bleed Defense +15% Water Power Defense +8
Protection of Dion : Hold Attack +15% Poison Defense +15% Divine Power Defense +8
Protection of Giran : Bleed Attack +15% Paralysis Defense +15% Wind Power Defense +8
Protection of Oren : Paralysis attack +15% Hold defense +15% Darkness defense +8
Protection of Aden : Mind Attack +15% Stun Defense +15% Earth Power Defense +8
Protection of Innadril : Sleep Attack +15% Stun Defense +15% Water Power Defense +8
Protection of Goddard : Stun Attack +15% Sleep Defense +15% Fire Power Defense +8
Protection of Runes : Poison Attack +15% Hold Defense +15% Fire Power Defense +8
Protection of Schuttgart : Hold Attack +15% Fear Defense +15% Wind Power Defense +8




  • You can purchase 7 days or 14 days for donate coints and for 1 Day just for playing game for additional stats in game
XP/SP + 20%
Drop Spoil and Adena rate + 20%
+1 Window in game
Premium Chat in game & (100 times A day)
.ACP for auto potions
+ 20% PC points gathering



  • Learning professions
First class transfer - 10 COL or default quest
Second class transfer - 50 COL, Default or small quest for 3.000.000 adena
Third class transfer - Default
  • Skill learning:
All skills require Magic Tablets to be learned. You can gather them in Cruma Tower at lower levels and in the Monastery of Silence (MoS) at level 70+.



  • Schedule: Weekly, Thursday-Sunday from 18:00 to 23:00.
  • Participants: Noblesse players only, with a minimum of 5 participants required for non-Class Battles.
  • Arenas: Four new Olympiad arenas for more dynamic competition.
  • Buff System: NPC buffer available before battles, modeled after High Five.
  • Points System: Losing a match deducts 10% of your points.
Hero Features
Hero Skills: Available for subclasses, adding depth and versatility to playstyles.
Hero Weapons: Stats have been reworked, providing a significant impact in PvP with 30% bonus PvP damage.
Updated Shop
Jewels: New Olympiad jewels from later chronicles, offering unique advantages.
Fixed prices and updated shop



    Your server will feature two key instances, Kamaloka and Labyrinth, offering an engaging progression system with dynamic drops:
  • Kamaloka (Lv 23+): Party requirement: 2-6 players.
  • Labyrinth (Lv 49+): Party requirement: 2-9 players.

  • Instances reset at 6:30 AM server time or can be reset once daily using a special coupon, allowing players to re-enter with a ticket.
Instance Drops:
23/26: Default drops.
43/46/49: C-grade items.
53/56: Low B-grade armor.
59: B-grade weapons and jewelry.
63/66: TOP B-grade armor.
69: Top A-grade weapons and parts.
73: Majestic jewelry.
78 (76+): S-grade armor recipes and parts.



When attempting to craft B-Grade and above items , there is a small (~4%) chance of creating a rare item ( Foundation item) . Rare items provide some bonuses over common ones.
You can check out the full list of updated stats on our Discord.
    Reworked stats for armors
To enhance gameplay and bring more balance to the server, we've adjusted the stats for some of the less popular armor sets. These changes aim to provide more diversity and options for your character builds.
You can check out the full list of updated stats on our Discord.
    Reworked Special Abilities
To enhance gameplay and bring more balance to the server, we've adjusted the stats for some of the less popular Weapons and their Special Abilities . These changes aim to provide more diversity and options for your character builds.
You can check out the full list of updated stats on our Discord.



    PRIMEVAL ISLE - Reworked
Every mob has a chance to drop Lifestones and special items, which you can trade with Dinn.
He offers 3 types of shops: you can obtain S-grade jewel recipes and parts.
You can acquire TOP A-grade weapon recipes and parts and materials for crafting



    Enchant Rates
Safe Enchant: +3
Max Enchant: +16
Success rate starts at +4: 75%, and at +16: 39%
Armors and Jewels:
Safe Enchant: +3
Max Enchant: +10
Success rate starts at +4: 65%, and at +10: 35%
Bonus for full enchanted set +6 - Reworked
All sets enchanted +6 and more will give extra bonus.
In additinion for retail bonus sets will have 10% PvP and PvE deffense bonus:



